While the word 'amber' is prominently displayed on the bottom of the label, make sure to read the fine print as this is not an American style amber ale. Rather it's an altbier of German origin.
This alt style beer reminds me more of a subtle bock than anything else. The brew has basically no hop bitterness or bite at all. The hops are basically undetectable. The aftertaste has the German bock flavor with a faint sweet malty taste right at the very end. Add in a thin body and it's a very drinkable beer with not a ton kick. It's easy to enjoy a couple in a row but don't expect anything to overwhelm your taste buds.
While it's fun to think of a younger version of myself sneaking a few Alaskan Ambers from the family fridge, today I rarely commemorate the experience with the actual altbier. Generally I prefer Alaskan Brewing Company's other brews. Cheers.
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